Monday, May 21, 2007

Illegal Downloading and USC

In April, someone posted on the blog about a survey on regarding illegal downloading and the public's general opinion on their chances of becoming a victim. For my final project, I tweaked the survey and decided to distribute it to USC students to get a sample of how students on campus feel about downloading. I surveyed 224 students over a three day span and the results were interesting. I thought an overwhelming majority of students would be illegal downloaders, but to my suprise, many students want nothing to do with downloading. Instead of giving the lengthy discussion, I will let the numbers speak for themselves:

1. Do you download illegally?
YES 121 (54%)
NO 103 (46%)

2. If you answered yes, what type of media do you download? (students could choose more than one, thus the discrepancy in percentages)
MUSIC 114 (94%)
MOVIES 33 (27%)
TV SHOWS 26 (22%)
SOFTWARE 19 (16%)

3. Do you feel downloading through USC puts you at greater risk for being caught by the RIAA?
YES 158 (71%)
NO 64 (29%)

4. Has the influx of RIAA lawsuits caused you to stop downloading?
YES 72 (32%)
NO 159 (68%)

5. How do you rate your chances of becoming an RIAA victim?
HIGH 23 (10%)
MEDIUM 72 (32%)
LOW 129 (58%)

6. Do you believe file sharing is devastating to the music industry?
YES 53 (24%)
NO 171 (76%)

7. Do you know anyone who has received an RIAA subpoena?
YES 105 (47%)
NO 119 (53%)

8. Finally, what might stop you from illegally downloading?
CHEAPER CDS 133 (56%)
NOTHING 35 (15%)

I was surprised to see that many students had no interest in downloading, because almost everyone I know in college downloads illegally whether it's software, music, or movies. But after talking to students, I found that many find the idea of downloading too "complex" and time consuming. If they really want something, they ask a friend, but most don't even bother. In the end, it appears as though downloading is extremely binary. You do or you don't. And as I learned in this survey, half do, and half don't.


zachamp said...

I worry that asking "Do you download illegally" isn't perhaps the best way to go about this. Perhaps questioning like "do you ever" "have you ever" "how often do you" might have painted a more accurate picture. Asking the question as you did forces the student to consider whether s/he illegally downloads habitually, which s/he may have a hard time admitting. That said, as a 2006 USC Grad I found your results very interesting. Thanks for publishing

markali52 said...

There are many that illegally download anything they can, some sites offer these downloads blatently, I have an argos sat nav system and someone told me that if I visited a certain site I could download the latestest maps for free, this was of no interest (the sysytem was new anyway) but when they charge up to £70+ for updated maps I can understand people doing it, this does not mean I condone it in any way.

sbackl said...

If the laws were a little more relaxed or money was not such an issue less people would take the illegal path, for itunes who charge a considerable amount for one track (if multi tracks are bought), if they reduced the cost they would sell an awful lot more and put a dent in the illegal market, I have just purchased a Currys Wii Fit and system, I also have an ipod and a PS3 all with download abilities but I would not spend a £1.00 or $2.00 for a single track of music I will probably get bored of listening to, so I do not download simple, for most however they will look for a shared or free (illegal) version, it is hard to stop people from sharing no matter how much profit is lost.

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