Monday, January 29, 2007

Does ANYONE want Vista? - M$ Vista Hate Roundup

I thought it was just us drm-savvy people who understood why vi$ta sucks so bad, but everywhere i look today its just hate from all sides.

1) I thought this was hilarious; BadVista has been encouraging people to tag all the versions of Vista with 'defectivebydesign' and 'drm' in the amazon marketplace. There are now over 750 products tagged as such.

2) Vista DRM Cracked, but for the rest of us yet.
*update* - different kind of crack available... Activation Cracked

3) Vista undergoing dirty installs.

4) Fine print analysis of the EULA.
Vista's legal fine print includes extensive provisions granting Microsoft the right to regularly check the legitimacy of the software and holds the prospect of deleting certain programs without the user's knowledge. During the installation process, users "activate" Vista by associating it with a particular computer or device and transmitting certain hardware information directly to Microsoft.

5) Users hacking annoying vista prompts.

And the Rest:
APC Magazine: 10 Reasons not to get Vista
Windows Vista February 2006 CTP (Build 5308/5342) Review, Part 5: Where Vista Fails

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