Tuesday, March 20, 2007

MySpace Enforces their ToS; Tila Tequila is Sad

Word on the streets is that MySpace is doing their best to prevent their users – even their superstars – from embedding video and music players such as Revver and imeem that provide viable options for creating revenue. You might not think this is such a big deal, but there's something you don't know: MySpace is responsible for YouTube's success...
“We probably should have stopped YouTube,” Michael Barrett, chief revenue officer for Fox Interactive Media, a part of the News Corporation, said in an interview in late February. “YouTube wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for MySpace. We’ve created companies on our back.”

I'm not sure if I believe that, but if the people at Fox and MySpace truly do, then I can't help but question their motives and if whether what they are doing is socially responsible. Then again, I can really just look to the fact that it's Fox to get the answers to those questions.

New York Times article

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